About Our Founder
Rachel Ganim Muha
Born and raised in the Cleveland, Ohio area. She married and moved to the Columbus, Ohio area in 1981. Their two sons, Chris and Brian were 2-1/2 and 10 months old.
Ohio Right to Life and Columbus Right to Life: Rachel served as a editor for Ohio Right to Life and the President of Columbus Right to Life. She chaired conventions and brought speakers and outreach workers to Columbus (Dr. and Mrs. Wilke, Joseph Scheidler and others).
St. Paul's Church and School: Rachel taught 8th grade CCD classes, chaired the Gifted and Talented Program in the school, collected food and clothing for parishoners in need.
Youth Group and Home Schooling: Rachel helped start a youth group for 4th grade - high school boys and girls. She homeschooled her son Brian for his 7th and 8th grade. This led to the establishment of a multi-family home school that had 75 children in various classes.
1999: Brian Muha, 18 years old, was murdered. Charlie's, Rachel's and Chris' lives changed forever. Through her act of forgiveness and wanting to bring good out of evil as Our Lord asks us to do, Rachel, Chris and other family members started The Brian Muha Memorial Foundation and in 2005, The Run The Race Club. Rachel works every day at these ministries without monetary compensation. She says, "This is the most heartbreaking and the most joyful work I have ever done."